In a dream from last night I was in a library tavern. While conversing with the librarian bar tender, I noticed my right leg was vibrating. It felt quite strange and I tried to figure out what was causing it. Was it a lack of some vitamin? Was there a train going by - well, no because only one thigh was vibrating. Was I experiencing a symptom of some disease? Even though I spent quite some time trying to figure out the source, I wasn't too concerned. The dream eventually shifted and right before the vibration stopped.
Later on in the night, I woke up to the sounds of my cat. I came fully back to realize my cat was next to my thigh, doing his kitty thing, massage and purring at the same time. As many of you know, when a cat purrs it can cause quite a vibration. I realized that this activity was probably taking place at the same time as my library tavern, vibrating thigh dream.
I shared this experience with my kids the next morning. My daughter then told me how a few days earlier she had several dreams where there was an alarm going off. The first dream she was at school. She asked her class mates "What is that bell? Why is it going off?" No one seemed to have an answer. So she ignored it. Her dream shifted and she was in another situation and a different buzzer was sounding. Again, she wondered what it was, but didn't have an answer. She went through several dreams, all with some kind of bell or buzzer in them. Eventually she slowly woke up and realized her alarm clock was going off.
We've all experienced these seepages between the worlds, where an experience going on in one reality blends into another. My daughter's experience of the alarm clock going off is common. In those experiences people often wake from one reality into another. But in the library tavern I had the experience, the dream shifted, and it was much later, when I awoke in another reality. Unlike the alarm dream, the seepage took place, but it did not pull me out of that reality. However, once I was in the reality causing the vibration, I was able to fully understand what was going on at the library tavern.
In my librarian tavern experience, when something out of the ordinary, like my thigh vibrating occurred, I only looked to "ordinary" explanations. I was limiting myself to only one reality of possibilities. It never occurred to me at the time, that my body in some other dimension was being massaged by a vibrating purring cat. Why? Because in that reality I didn't consider that I am a multidimensional being living in a multiverse of experiences, and that there are seepages that occur between the worlds.
I wonder how many times something like that has occurred in this life. How many times have I had some unexplained sensation or experience and just called it 'strange', 'bizarre', and then let it go. Probably about as many times as someone has said to me "it's just a dream". The fact is, they aren't just dreams and these experiences aren't necessarily "unexplainable". If we open ourselves up, open our sights, we may see what seems to be hidden, and possibly an experience from another part of ourselves living in another reality.
Over the past several years I have opened up my inner sight, and look beyond the worlds. But there are still moments when I feel bound to this reality. This dream, and my cat, have reminded me once again what I've always known, that there is a much larger context and we live in a multiverse of experiences.
As I sit here an finish writing this blog piece, my cat has decided to jump on my bed, purr and massage my leg once again. And I wonder, what part of me in some other reality is feeling, noticing this sensation. I hope at least one of them is opening their vision to see me, laying in bed, writing this piece, with a cat who loves me, purring away, vibrating my leg, and noticing them noticing me :-)
(For all you cat lovers, here's a video of my cat massaging and purring)
Later on in the night, I woke up to the sounds of my cat. I came fully back to realize my cat was next to my thigh, doing his kitty thing, massage and purring at the same time. As many of you know, when a cat purrs it can cause quite a vibration. I realized that this activity was probably taking place at the same time as my library tavern, vibrating thigh dream.
I shared this experience with my kids the next morning. My daughter then told me how a few days earlier she had several dreams where there was an alarm going off. The first dream she was at school. She asked her class mates "What is that bell? Why is it going off?" No one seemed to have an answer. So she ignored it. Her dream shifted and she was in another situation and a different buzzer was sounding. Again, she wondered what it was, but didn't have an answer. She went through several dreams, all with some kind of bell or buzzer in them. Eventually she slowly woke up and realized her alarm clock was going off.
We've all experienced these seepages between the worlds, where an experience going on in one reality blends into another. My daughter's experience of the alarm clock going off is common. In those experiences people often wake from one reality into another. But in the library tavern I had the experience, the dream shifted, and it was much later, when I awoke in another reality. Unlike the alarm dream, the seepage took place, but it did not pull me out of that reality. However, once I was in the reality causing the vibration, I was able to fully understand what was going on at the library tavern.
In my librarian tavern experience, when something out of the ordinary, like my thigh vibrating occurred, I only looked to "ordinary" explanations. I was limiting myself to only one reality of possibilities. It never occurred to me at the time, that my body in some other dimension was being massaged by a vibrating purring cat. Why? Because in that reality I didn't consider that I am a multidimensional being living in a multiverse of experiences, and that there are seepages that occur between the worlds.
I wonder how many times something like that has occurred in this life. How many times have I had some unexplained sensation or experience and just called it 'strange', 'bizarre', and then let it go. Probably about as many times as someone has said to me "it's just a dream". The fact is, they aren't just dreams and these experiences aren't necessarily "unexplainable". If we open ourselves up, open our sights, we may see what seems to be hidden, and possibly an experience from another part of ourselves living in another reality.
Over the past several years I have opened up my inner sight, and look beyond the worlds. But there are still moments when I feel bound to this reality. This dream, and my cat, have reminded me once again what I've always known, that there is a much larger context and we live in a multiverse of experiences.
As I sit here an finish writing this blog piece, my cat has decided to jump on my bed, purr and massage my leg once again. And I wonder, what part of me in some other reality is feeling, noticing this sensation. I hope at least one of them is opening their vision to see me, laying in bed, writing this piece, with a cat who loves me, purring away, vibrating my leg, and noticing them noticing me :-)
(For all you cat lovers, here's a video of my cat massaging and purring)