"Dreaming Julie is an amazing guide to Active Dreaming. She's kind and compassionate and utilizes her many years of experience to create a safe space to explore dreams, synchronicity, and the power of imagination" TD
Welcome Dreamers! If you're ready to wake up to the magic and guidance that life has to offer, you're in the right place. I'm an Active Dream teacher offering monthly dream groups, workshops and private sessions. Together we'll explore your dreams and I'll show you how tap into universal guidance that's available to you 24/7. For upcoming groups, public workshop or offerings visit my Workshop page or contact me to schedule a private session here.
I post many of my insights and active dream experiences on Facebook. To follow me and see how life speaks through both night dreams and day time experiences go to Dreaming Julie
Facebook page and be sure to "friend" and "follow" me to receive updates.
I look forward to dreaming with you soon!
Check out my YouTube Channel here or click below on the picture for a sample
I post many of my insights and active dream experiences on Facebook. To follow me and see how life speaks through both night dreams and day time experiences go to Dreaming Julie
Facebook page and be sure to "friend" and "follow" me to receive updates.
I look forward to dreaming with you soon!
Check out my YouTube Channel here or click below on the picture for a sample